Fuck the IMF. They want higher taxes on the wealthy, which means anyone with taxable income. More government assistance for the unemployed and workers affected by AI, which means UBI and more government in the economy, less freedom and a lower standard of living. How about we stop funding the IMF, WHO, the UN and other worthless international organizations?

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It sounds like you’re trying your best play a fair game in a rigged system.

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In agreement on that statement.

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and fuck DAVOS too, they all play the same game entitlement and power.

If people actually believe Apple is going to keep all their AI information through their smart phones private and stored only on their servers wow how stupid and gullible are most, open AI will be the downfall of humanity. Remember Dave pulling the Hal 9000's memory banks in 2001 A Space- Pandora's box is open and it's now Silent Running- The Mechanics.

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