I would not follow this guy’s financial advice! A Trump win is good for everyone! Healthcare workers in no way would be effected by a Trump win, that is a foolish and misleading statement. Artificial Intelligence however will. Trump stopped the mandated penalties for not signing up for Obama Care! Obama care was unconstitutional and did not support small business owners like me. Stop pushing false claims that are misleading and inaccurate to say the least! Look at the failing economy and high inflation we have now. People have some responsibility in planning for their healthcare as well as taking care of theirselves. Do you think it’s right to hand out Narcan and clean needles to drug addicts on the back of tax payers? What about all the healthcare being provided for illegal immigrants also on the back of tax payers. If you are suggesting that a Biden win would be better for hard working American citizens then you are delusional. The only people better off under this administration are war fighting Forgien countries and illegal immigrants. Not the Blue collar Americans who pay the majority of the taxes in this country. You need to pull this down for misleading your readers by suggesting this insane accusation. You should be talking about how AI artificial intelligence will effect half of the jobs in the other hand and what they are going to do about that!

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The first thing Obama said after passing ACA act (Obamacare) was that it needed a lot of work. At what point do we get real and fix things instead of everything made political and stops us from moving forward.

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Because it’s not about us, we the people, it’s all about the lobbyist and all might dollar.

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The ACA should have been determined to be unconstitutional but thanks to a corrupt SC it was not. The Congress and the President passed it and determined that a tax was not possible so it would be a fine. The SC changed the fine to a tax against the wishes and discussion by Congress. It did nothing good but raise the cost of insurance for people that work and pay their medical insurance and deductible. Others without insurance were getting free treatment so it accomplished nothing but pride to the democrats.

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Correct. They do not care about us. The money they are handing out to fund wars is staggering but it is profitable to the elitist who run everything from the top down. It is always the Democrats that scream Democracy or social justice who are behind the demise of the very people they claim to be helping! Sickening.

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