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I am betting that the more ideological investors are huffing and puffing to blow the BRICS house down. Frankly, they will run out of huff before BRICS run out of puff and, anyway, how I read it, they are fighting evolution. Exploitive capitalism and its military enforcement machine must either be stopped or we all stop.

As Lord Acton observed, using the word "corrupt" in the 1880s context of "madness"; (ie "power drives men mad") and today referring to psychopathy; we can all see that the world is currently being run by megalomaniacal psychopathic plutocrats and oligarchs, and that not only humanity, but life on this planet is seriously threatened.

Incidentally, i am not referring to the infantile hypothesis of AGW, but nuclear war and the exhausts of satellite rockets that threaten to destroy the ozone layer within three or four years. Not one authoritative regulator is monitoring this and some scientists are starting to panic. I don't blame them. A missile war would accelerate the crisis by 50%, plus the radioactivity, chlorine gas, and heavy metals dispersed across the northern hemisphere.

I suppose this is why TV stopped making serials.

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